On Thursday, Israeli soldiers invaded the Al-Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank’s central part, shot a young man, and abducted five Palestinians, including one woman, a father, and his son.

Media sources said several military vehicles invaded the refugee camp, before storming and ransacking homes, and used rooftops as monitoring towers and firing posts, leading to protests.

They added that the soldiers abducted Mahmoud Wajeeh Ramahi, 47, and his son Hadi, 16, in addition to Ala’ Abu Sharifa, and the wife of Mohammad Khaled Nakhla.

Mohammad’s wife was taken hostage after the soldiers stormed her home to abduct her husband, but he was not there.

Many Palestinians protested the invasions and the abductions, before the soldiers fired live rounds and gas bombs, wounding a young man with a bullet in the leg.

Furthermore, the invading Israeli military vehicles also rammed and destroyed several parked Palestinian cars.

In related news, the soldiers invaded Ya’bad and Jalboun near the northern West Bank city of Jenin and conducted extensive and violent searches of homes and property.

It is worth mentioning that the soldiers continued the occupation of a home, owned by Rafe’ Rafiq Abu Ar-Rob, near the local schools for girls, for the twelfth day.

Earlier Thursday, the soldiers invaded the town of Hizma, northeast of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and demolished a residential building and sheds.